Status and history for [eng]
See the Github repository for issues and changes in 2023 and after.
March 26, 2006 | | The official record of the
Declaration (in English and French) is available from the UN site,
and the English version at the UNHCHR site contains a couple of
small differences. Our text has been corrected to accurately reflect
the official record. Thanks to Benjamin Titze for pointing this
out. |
September 9, 2006 | | stage 7. |
September 9, 2006 | | [Eric Muller] content, characters and PDF are clean. |
September 9, 2006 | | [Eric Muller] U+002D - HYPHEN-MINUS resolved to U+2010 ‐ HYPHEN. |
September 4, 2006 | | stage 4: OHCHR identified as the source, complete XML contributed by Adobe Systems. |