Status and history for [por_PT]

See the Github repository for issues and changes in 2023 and after.


July 16, 2010  Replaced the text with that of Portuguese government (at http://www.portugal.gov.pt/pt/GC18/Portugal/SistemaPolitico/dudh/Pages/DeclaracaoUniversaldosDireitosHumanos.aspx); thanks to Miguel Sousa for providing it.
November 20, 2006  spelling correction: replaced "Homen" by "Homem"; promotion to stage 7. Thanks to Leandro Reis for the proofreading.
November 20, 2006  renamed to port_PT, to make room for the por_BR translation.
September 4, 2006  stage 4: OHCHR identified as the source, complete XML contributed by Adobe Systems.